Etched Floor Tiles

Etched floor tiles are currently unavailable, but we hope to offer them again soon.

Tile Order

Ponies & Art Panels

Adopt or Foster and name a pony or sponsor an art panel.   Choose the next "favorite" name for a pony.

Learn More

Stained Glass Window Project

Atsuko Kroetch spent a year creating eight wonderful stained glass windows for the carousel.  She designed and built these works of art as a thank you to the community who showed her such love and support when her late husband had cancer.

Her good friend Bud Ford, a long time carousel supporter, volunteered to pay for the supplies including all of the glass.

This project inspired her friend Debbie Wieser to write eight stories about the window ponies.  The "Window to the World" project was born.  Debbie then sponsored a contest between local 5th graders to name the ponies in the stories and depicted in the windows.

The student's winning names are included in the "Window to the World: storybook currently available to purchase at the carousel.





Flower of Grace - Sponsored

Liberty - Sponsored





Powerful Giver


Pony collage copy

Sponsorships make the magic happen...

Without the generosity of our supporters, this miracle of art & history would not be back home.  Thanks to all of our supporters who make it possible!